Are You New To Oakridge Baptist Church?

Come As You Are

At Oakridge, you can come as you are. That means you can come with your hurts and your joys. You can come with your doubts and your faith. You can come in your jeans, or your suit and tie, or even your pajamas.

If you have questions, please contact Pastor Tommy. We would love to hear from you.

First Time Visit

Is this your first time visiting? We want to make your visit as comfortable as possible!

We have parking spots on site when you drive south on Cambie Street. 

We are located near the Langara Skytrain Station. It is around a 5-minute walk from the church.

Folks at the door will greet you. Please fill in the guest card when you arrive!

Weekend Worship Services

In-Person Services: 6261 Cambie Street, Vancouver, BC, V5Z 3B2

Combined Service: 10:30 AM in the Sanctuary on the first Sunday of the month.

English Service: 9:30 AM in the Sanctuary

Mandarin Service: 9:30 AM in the multipurpose room of the 2nd floor. 

Cantonese Service: 11:30 AM in the Sanctuary

Livestream: Subscribe to our YouTube channel for past sermons and live stream. (NOTE: Livestream does not replace the in-person gathering of the church.)



We have parking on Sundays on our church property.


Coffee & Refreshment

Please join us for a time of fellowship through coffee & refreshments on Sundays after the services.