Our OBC board is pleased to announce that beginning Sunday September 27, 2020, we will proceed with a “Soft Reopening” for the 9:30AM English Livestreaming Service. Those who may attend will include our livestreaming volunteers, our reopening team of volunteers, and those on our invited attendee’s list.

As provincial guidelines mandate a maximum number of 50 attendees present within the building at any given time, to reserve a place on the list of invited attendees, it is important that you contact Janet at: oakbapt@gmail.com, or telephone 604-327-3500, by Friday noon before the Sunday you wish to attend.

All attendee’s must assess themselves for symptoms of COVID-19 and stay home if unwell. Our reopening team will monitor attendance to ensure our numbers do not exceed 50 persons in the building at one time, provide hand sanitizing stations and supplies and masks, ensure that people are able to maintain safe physical distances from others, and conduct routine cleaning and disinfection of high touch areas. Please pray for the health and safety of all who attend.

“The LORD will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore.” Psalm 121:8

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