Although many factors contribute to church health, one of the most important is leaders who serve in the church.  We are a church that is led by Elders and supported by Deacons, and together with the members, we seek to honour and obey our God and Savior in all our decisions and activities.  Below is a brief overview of our leadership structure.

Elders (Overseers, Pastors)

  • Elders will meet the qualifications of 1 Timothy 3.1-7 and Titus 1.5-9 and will be committed to continual spiritual growth.
  • Elders are men recognized as “overseers” in charge of the church.
  • Elders hold an office of authority and are responsible to lead and direct the affairs of the church, making decisions on such things as vision, policy, and ministry goals and plans.
  • Elders give direction and encouragement to the deacons.
  • Elders will be involved in regular monthly Board meetings and other meetings as required to effectively fulfill their ministry.
  • Elders teach and protect doctrine.
  • Elders anoint and pray for healing.
  • Elders serve and make decisions as a team.
  • Elders serve and make decisions with a humble spirit and loving attitude.


  • Deacons will meet the qualifications of 1 Timothy 3.8-13 and will be committed to continual spiritual growth.
  • Deacons are men or women recognized as “servants” in the church.
  • Deacons serve under the direction of the elders.
  • Deacons will be involved in regular monthly Board meetings and other meetings as required to effectively fulfill their ministry.
  • Deacons have the primary function of giving leadership and oversight to the various ministries of the church, including the ministries of caring for the membership.
  • Some of the ministries overseen by the Deacons include worship, congregational care and fellowship, missions and evangelism, spiritual formation, and facilities and property.